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Side Bar Thursdays: Hazy vs. West Coast IPA

Sidle up to the Side Bar for weekly events from our Tours & Education Team! Every Thursday from 4-8pm at Drake’s Barrel House, Program Manager Eric and Brand Ambassador Constance will be dropping knowledge and highlighting the fun we get to have with flavor. This is your opportunity to learn, drink and encounter unexpected new things!

This week we’re pitting Hazy v. West Coast in this educational IPA comparison tasting. Learn about the stylistic similarities and differences, and sample a variety of grains and hops that we brew with. A half pint of each will cost you $10 all together.

Side Bar Thursdays highlight the eclectic offerings that our taproom has to offer, from strong beers to session suds, experimental brews to barrel aged sours, and the whole spectrum between. Whether you’re a beer geek or hop novice, these events are accessible for all. Ask questions, get geeky and we’ll keep up with you!