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The Freshtival

Come join Drake’s Brewing for The Freshtival on May 6th 1-5PM in Rohnert Park! The Freshtival is a celebration of freshness – all of the beer poured at this event will be less than 7 days old!! That’s more than 150 beers, presented in perfect, brewery-fresh condition!

On May 6, 2023, we will gather with dozens of like-minded brewers in celebration of this new paradigm at the SOMO Village Event Center in Sonoma County. There will be live music, delicious food, an art gallery, a community market, and of course, a bunch of delicious, brewery-fresh beer!

This is a non-profit event benefiting the Bay Area Brewers Guild, and all proceeds will go to benefit their work advocating for independent, local, beer manufacturing.



Soco Market at The Freshtival

The Art of Freshness Gallery

freshtival 2023

Tickets & Information